It’s Been a Long Hot Summer…..

I know, I know, we haven’t been around in a long time.  This year has been one hectic, busy year for us.  So far we’ve fostered 12 kittens and 1 cat for the local shelter.  We would foster dogs, but my sisfur Gretchen is pretty picky about other dogs coming into the house.  So far 9 of the kittens have found forever homes.  One of the foster kittens is a Tripawd, her name is Maya.  She is so adorable and independent and playful too.  She was born with the lower part of her right rear leg missing.















Unfortunately 1 went to the Rainbow Bridge.  The vetman said it had “Fading Kitten Syndrome”.  So we are still taking care of 2 kittens and the CAT!!!  Mom volunteers 2 days a week at the shelter now too.

It’s hot here, so hot you can fry eggs on the sidewalk.  That means no walkies for the 3 dogs in the house.  Mom got us a small pool to cool off in when we go out in the yard.  She donated my big pool to the shelter for all the dogs there because we wouldn’t go in it anymore. We really like splashing around in the little pool and it makes a great water bowl too.  I had to get a haircut too, they shaved me down to 1/2 inch just to keep me cool.  We’re looking forward to the cool winter weather though, that’s when we get to go to the park and walk around again.  It should only be another month or so…..Come on October!!!  It can’t get here soon enough for me.

As a Tripawd, I’m doing fine.  Had to go to see the orthopedic vet again because I was limping.  He says I have arthritis in my front leg already.  Geez…I’m only gonna be 4 yrs. old.  One of the hazards of carrying 60% of your weight on your front legs I guess.  I have to take glucosamine now and Rimadyl if I need it.  Mom only gives me the Rimadyl once in a while.  I think I’ve had it 2 or3 times since my visit to the vet last May.  Not bad for a stiff old guy huh?













Well, that’s about all for now.  Just keeping busy with the kitties and the shelter work, trying to stay cool.  Hope you all are staying cool too!

Licks & Wags!

Author: chuy

Chuy is a 1 yr. old Chow/Newfie/Husky/Beagle mix. He has already lost his left frt. leg due to being hit by a car at 4 mos. old. We adopted him when he was 8 mos. old. He has now had FHO surgery on his left rear leg.

5 thoughts on “It’s Been a Long Hot Summer…..”

  1. Wow Chuy, you should do a road trip to visit me. It’s in the low 40s in the morning and in the mid-50s during the day! This is probably your kind of place.

    I know what you mean about carrying all the weight on one leg up front. I have that problem, too. Does the glucosamine help you?

    And what’s with those kittens? I’ve never seen one. What do you do with one when you get it? Do you play with it or eat it or sleep with it or what? Do they squeak when you chew on them? I’m confused. But I am very happy that you’re staying so busy and having so much fun!

    Love, Dakota

  2. Hi Dakota! Cool weather would be nice, but it’s in the 90’s now and it’s a dry heat. 😉

    The glucosamine helps alot. It lubricates my joints so they don’t bother me so much. I really only have trouble now when it gets cold here and that’s only in Jan. and Feb.

    As for those stoopid kittens….I don’t get to play, sleep or eat them! Can you believe that? Mom won’t let any of us dogs near them. She says they’re too little and we might hurt them.
    They squeak and mew alot. We just got 3 more little baby kittens that are about 9 days old. They’ve been here for a week now and mom named 2 of them Dozey & Hardy after 2 of the 3 little pigs. That’s cuz they eat alot. The other one is named Sparky, not sure why mom gave it that name, but they sure are cute. They still eat from a bottle and just now opened their little eyes. Now, don’t think for a minute that we have a boatload of kittens here. Most of them have been adopted out already. There’s only 1 left from the first 12 we had here. So out of 15 total, we only have 4 here now. I sure wish they were puppies though, it would be much more fun!

    Licks & Wags,

  3. Harrooooo Chuy!! First and foremost we put our paws together for you mum and the work she does with the kittehs! You certainly are looking good there laying in the mud BOL!! Still so hot in the desert there hu? Well we will send some of our cool air your way OK? It was 35 when #1 went to work this morning! hawoooo!!

    Does the Glucosamine help woo Chuy? We sure hope it does. Isis takes duralactin and gets a shot of Adequan every other month – it helps her out a lot. I’ve been a little sore & stiff myself this fall so #1 has recently started me on the duralactin as well- I think it smells a little funny and wouldn’t eat my food when it gets mixed in so my pill gets dipped in cooking oil and dropped into my throat- I don’t mind too bad and it helps the stiffness in my booty:)

    Hope fall find it;s way to you soon furiends. Give Gretchen & Anka big huskerboo huggs and shepherd high-paws from all of us OK? Take care Chuy!!


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