Just wanted everyone to know that Mom & Dad brought home a new baby sister for me to play with. We annointed her with the name Anka. She is 12 weeks old and came from the same rescue I did. Anka is one of 7 sisters that mom helped rescue 3 weeks ago. When they were found they were malnourished and covered with ticks. Not any more!!! She has lived with us for 4 whole days now and I just Love her!! We have a video of us playing, but the blog won’t upload it.

Dear Chuy: Congrats on your new little sister! Anka is adorable. We can tell you’re a great big brother. You and your mom are heroes for rescuing those puppies. That was an amazing story—such a happy ending!
Have fun, Romeo
OMD!!!!!! She is sooooooo cuuuuute! I knew it! How could your mom resist such puppy cuteness, especially after she helped rescue them? Chuy, you are soooo lucky! I want a little baby girl too! Be nice to her buddy, and she’ll be your BFF and your FFL! You can mold her little mind and bring her up right! What a privilege…. 🙂
Chuy, you are one lucky boy! Congratulations!!!!!!
Codie Rae
OMD! I didn’t need to see those puppy pics of Anka! I wanted one just like her! But instead we got…you know who!
Look at Chuy having such a great time!